
Flinto android funn版本下载

2019年3月19日 免费下载| 聪明的你,用聪明的Mockplus来设计原型- Mockplus​ 支持交互设计; 生成规格说明文档; 输出HTML原型; 版本控制管理; 支持 Flinto是一款mac上强大 的移动应用原型设计工具,你可以使用它创建多种原型。 它能够帮助设计师快速 地直接在Mac电脑上绘制网页或Android/iOS移动端设备应用的草图 

Flinto – The App Design App

You might even say it's fun. Feb 17, 2014 Designers can now use Flinto Lite's super-fast editor to build incredibly realistic prototypes for Android and install them on-device. Sharing & Installing. Your prototype is installable on the appropriate device. iOS prototypes can be installed on iOS devices, and Android prototypes can be  Flinto files can be opened on iOS if you install the free Flinto viewer app from the App Store. Double tap with two fingers on the screen while running a prototype  Common Flinto Lite Questions.

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Flinto android funn版本下载

Flinto is a Mac app used by top designers around the world to create interactive and animated prototypes of their app designs. Download Free Trial. Buy Now. Flinto works with macOS 10.13 and iOS 11.0 or newer. Animated Transitions.

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Flinto android funn版本下载

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